Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First Couple of Days in Oxford

'Ello all!

So I know that it's only Wednesday, but I feel like I've been living on this campus FOREVER.  I'm not sure if that's because I feel really at home here or just because we're not packing up to leave already (like we would have on the travel portion).  In either case, it still feels great to be here, even if being in a college town has made me slightly homesick for Ann Arbor :-(

So my classes are good so far; I'm taking International Business and a class on Ethics in the Information Age.  Business is okay--it's at eight fifteen in the morning, though, which makes it kind of hard to focus throughout a 1 1/2 hour lecture.  Ethics is definitely my favorite...we're talking about things like internet addiction, privacy issues, and whether or not identity theft is actually theft...things like that.  There are only nine of us in the class, so we basically just sit around talking to the professor, which is cool.

Considering my only obligations are breakfast, dinner, and three hours of class a day, I've had lots of time to go and wander the city.  Yesterday afternoon I was looking for a place to do my ethics reading and I just randomly stumbled upon the Camera, the very famous dome reading room in Oxford.  I've also gotten all of my essential shopping done, like groceries and silverware and such.  I also needed to buy another duffel bag so I can get all of my presents back to the states at the end of the summer :-)

In the evenings, we've been getting our homework done early and then going out to do various things--yesterday we hung out with the group from our travel portion (each week we're celebrating "Group Two'sdays"), and the night before Bryan, Parker and I went to the Eagle & Child, the famous pub where JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis hung out in their Oxford days. 

This afternoon, I'm meeting Laura Jackson (another alum of the Hollis Brookline High School Cavalier Chronicle) for coffee, which should be lovely!  After that I think that my friend Kathryn and I will be going to see a movie, but we'll have to see how the homework goes.

Now, off to class!


  1. Is it true that's there just something incredibly more, well, *charming* about studying in Oxford than anywhere in the States?

  2. Haha it is quite charming, although the community is VERY small--it reminds me of Columbia in the way that it's totally removed from the city. Makes me miss my school which is SO interconnected to Ann Arbor :-)

  3. So CS Lewis was really Lewis Carroll? Who'd have thought it!

  4. When can we have some Oxford photos? Sign me, bored and damp in Massachusetts.

  5. Happy July 4th, Dara. I'll bet they don't celebrate that much in the UK.
